1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 | "use strict";
12 | var ReactSharedInternals = { H: null, A: null };
13 | function formatProdErrorMessage(code) {
14 | var url = "https://react.dev/errors/" + code;
15 | if (1 < arguments.length) {
16 | url += "?args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[1]);
17 | for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)
18 | url += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[i]);
19 | }
20 | return (
21 | "Minified React error #" +
22 | code +
23 | "; visit " +
24 | url +
25 | " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."
26 | );
27 | }
28 | var isArrayImpl = Array.isArray,
29 | REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.transitional.element"),
30 | REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.portal"),
31 | REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.fragment"),
32 | REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),
33 | REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.profiler"),
34 | REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),
35 | REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense"),
36 | REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.memo"),
37 | REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.lazy"),
38 | MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator;
39 | function getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {
40 | if (null === maybeIterable || "object" !== typeof maybeIterable) return null;
41 | maybeIterable =
43 | maybeIterable["@@iterator"];
44 | return "function" === typeof maybeIterable ? maybeIterable : null;
45 | }
46 | var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
47 | assign = Object.assign;
48 | function ReactElement(type, key, self, source, owner, props) {
49 | self = props.ref;
50 | return {
51 | $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE,
52 | type: type,
53 | key: key,
54 | ref: void 0 !== self ? self : null,
55 | props: props
56 | };
57 | }
58 | function cloneAndReplaceKey(oldElement, newKey) {
59 | return ReactElement(
60 | oldElement.type,
61 | newKey,
62 | void 0,
63 | void 0,
64 | void 0,
65 | oldElement.props
66 | );
67 | }
68 | function isValidElement(object) {
69 | return (
70 | "object" === typeof object &&
71 | null !== object &&
72 | object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE
73 | );
74 | }
75 | function escape(key) {
76 | var escaperLookup = { "=": "=0", ":": "=2" };
77 | return (
78 | "$" +
79 | key.replace(/[=:]/g, function (match) {
80 | return escaperLookup[match];
81 | })
82 | );
83 | }
84 | var userProvidedKeyEscapeRegex = /\/+/g;
85 | function getElementKey(element, index) {
86 | return "object" === typeof element && null !== element && null != element.key
87 | ? escape("" + element.key)
88 | : index.toString(36);
89 | }
90 | function noop() {}
91 | function resolveThenable(thenable) {
92 | switch (thenable.status) {
93 | case "fulfilled":
94 | return thenable.value;
95 | case "rejected":
96 | throw thenable.reason;
97 | default:
98 | switch (
99 | ("string" === typeof thenable.status
100 | ? thenable.then(noop, noop)
101 | : ((thenable.status = "pending"),
102 | thenable.then(
103 | function (fulfilledValue) {
104 | "pending" === thenable.status &&
105 | ((thenable.status = "fulfilled"),
106 | (thenable.value = fulfilledValue));
107 | },
108 | function (error) {
109 | "pending" === thenable.status &&
110 | ((thenable.status = "rejected"), (thenable.reason = error));
111 | }
112 | )),
113 | thenable.status)
114 | ) {
115 | case "fulfilled":
116 | return thenable.value;
117 | case "rejected":
118 | throw thenable.reason;
119 | }
120 | }
121 | throw thenable;
122 | }
123 | function mapIntoArray(children, array, escapedPrefix, nameSoFar, callback) {
124 | var type = typeof children;
125 | if ("undefined" === type || "boolean" === type) children = null;
126 | var invokeCallback = !1;
127 | if (null === children) invokeCallback = !0;
128 | else
129 | switch (type) {
130 | case "bigint":
131 | case "string":
132 | case "number":
133 | invokeCallback = !0;
134 | break;
135 | case "object":
136 | switch (children.$$typeof) {
139 | invokeCallback = !0;
140 | break;
141 | case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
142 | return (
143 | (invokeCallback = children._init),
144 | mapIntoArray(
145 | invokeCallback(children._payload),
146 | array,
147 | escapedPrefix,
148 | nameSoFar,
149 | callback
150 | )
151 | );
152 | }
153 | }
154 | if (invokeCallback)
155 | return (
156 | (callback = callback(children)),
157 | (invokeCallback =
158 | "" === nameSoFar ? "." + getElementKey(children, 0) : nameSoFar),
159 | isArrayImpl(callback)
160 | ? ((escapedPrefix = ""),
161 | null != invokeCallback &&
162 | (escapedPrefix =
163 | invokeCallback.replace(userProvidedKeyEscapeRegex, "$&/") + "/"),
164 | mapIntoArray(callback, array, escapedPrefix, "", function (c) {
165 | return c;
166 | }))
167 | : null != callback &&
168 | (isValidElement(callback) &&
169 | (callback = cloneAndReplaceKey(
170 | callback,
171 | escapedPrefix +
172 | (null == callback.key ||
173 | (children && children.key === callback.key)
174 | ? ""
175 | : ("" + callback.key).replace(
176 | userProvidedKeyEscapeRegex,
177 | "$&/"
178 | ) + "/") +
179 | invokeCallback
180 | )),
181 | array.push(callback)),
182 | 1
183 | );
184 | invokeCallback = 0;
185 | var nextNamePrefix = "" === nameSoFar ? "." : nameSoFar + ":";
186 | if (isArrayImpl(children))
187 | for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
188 | (nameSoFar = children[i]),
189 | (type = nextNamePrefix + getElementKey(nameSoFar, i)),
190 | (invokeCallback += mapIntoArray(
191 | nameSoFar,
192 | array,
193 | escapedPrefix,
194 | type,
195 | callback
196 | ));
197 | else if (((i = getIteratorFn(children)), "function" === typeof i))
198 | for (
199 | children = i.call(children), i = 0;
200 | !(nameSoFar = children.next()).done;
201 |
202 | )
203 | (nameSoFar = nameSoFar.value),
204 | (type = nextNamePrefix + getElementKey(nameSoFar, i++)),
205 | (invokeCallback += mapIntoArray(
206 | nameSoFar,
207 | array,
208 | escapedPrefix,
209 | type,
210 | callback
211 | ));
212 | else if ("object" === type) {
213 | if ("function" === typeof children.then)
214 | return mapIntoArray(
215 | resolveThenable(children),
216 | array,
217 | escapedPrefix,
218 | nameSoFar,
219 | callback
220 | );
221 | array = String(children);
222 | throw Error(
223 | formatProdErrorMessage(
224 | 31,
225 | "[object Object]" === array
226 | ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(children).join(", ") + "}"
227 | : array
228 | )
229 | );
230 | }
231 | return invokeCallback;
232 | }
233 | function mapChildren(children, func, context) {
234 | if (null == children) return children;
235 | var result = [],
236 | count = 0;
237 | mapIntoArray(children, result, "", "", function (child) {
238 | return func.call(context, child, count++);
239 | });
240 | return result;
241 | }
242 | function lazyInitializer(payload) {
243 | if (-1 === payload._status) {
244 | var ctor = payload._result;
245 | ctor = ctor();
246 | ctor.then(
247 | function (moduleObject) {
248 | if (0 === payload._status || -1 === payload._status)
249 | (payload._status = 1), (payload._result = moduleObject);
250 | },
251 | function (error) {
252 | if (0 === payload._status || -1 === payload._status)
253 | (payload._status = 2), (payload._result = error);
254 | }
255 | );
256 | -1 === payload._status && ((payload._status = 0), (payload._result = ctor));
257 | }
258 | if (1 === payload._status) return payload._result.default;
259 | throw payload._result;
260 | }
261 | function createCacheRoot() {
262 | return new WeakMap();
263 | }
264 | function createCacheNode() {
265 | return { s: 0, v: void 0, o: null, p: null };
266 | }
267 | exports.Children = {
268 | map: mapChildren,
269 | forEach: function (children, forEachFunc, forEachContext) {
270 | mapChildren(
271 | children,
272 | function () {
273 | forEachFunc.apply(this, arguments);
274 | },
275 | forEachContext
276 | );
277 | },
278 | count: function (children) {
279 | var n = 0;
280 | mapChildren(children, function () {
281 | n++;
282 | });
283 | return n;
284 | },
285 | toArray: function (children) {
286 | return (
287 | mapChildren(children, function (child) {
288 | return child;
289 | }) || []
290 | );
291 | },
292 | only: function (children) {
293 | if (!isValidElement(children)) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(143));
294 | return children;
295 | }
296 | };
297 | exports.Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;
298 | exports.Profiler = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE;
299 | exports.StrictMode = REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE;
300 | exports.Suspense = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE;
302 | ReactSharedInternals;
303 | exports.cache = function (fn) {
304 | return function () {
305 | var dispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.A;
306 | if (!dispatcher) return fn.apply(null, arguments);
307 | var fnMap = dispatcher.getCacheForType(createCacheRoot);
308 | dispatcher = fnMap.get(fn);
309 | void 0 === dispatcher &&
310 | ((dispatcher = createCacheNode()), fnMap.set(fn, dispatcher));
311 | fnMap = 0;
312 | for (var l = arguments.length; fnMap < l; fnMap++) {
313 | var arg = arguments[fnMap];
314 | if (
315 | "function" === typeof arg ||
316 | ("object" === typeof arg && null !== arg)
317 | ) {
318 | var objectCache = dispatcher.o;
319 | null === objectCache && (dispatcher.o = objectCache = new WeakMap());
320 | dispatcher = objectCache.get(arg);
321 | void 0 === dispatcher &&
322 | ((dispatcher = createCacheNode()), objectCache.set(arg, dispatcher));
323 | } else
324 | (objectCache = dispatcher.p),
325 | null === objectCache && (dispatcher.p = objectCache = new Map()),
326 | (dispatcher = objectCache.get(arg)),
327 | void 0 === dispatcher &&
328 | ((dispatcher = createCacheNode()),
329 | objectCache.set(arg, dispatcher));
330 | }
331 | if (1 === dispatcher.s) return dispatcher.v;
332 | if (2 === dispatcher.s) throw dispatcher.v;
333 | try {
334 | var result = fn.apply(null, arguments);
335 | fnMap = dispatcher;
336 | fnMap.s = 1;
337 | return (fnMap.v = result);
338 | } catch (error) {
339 | throw ((result = dispatcher), (result.s = 2), (result.v = error), error);
340 | }
341 | };
342 | };
343 | exports.cloneElement = function (element, config, children) {
344 | if (null === element || void 0 === element)
345 | throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(267, element));
346 | var props = assign({}, element.props),
347 | key = element.key,
348 | owner = void 0;
349 | if (null != config)
350 | for (propName in (void 0 !== config.ref && (owner = void 0),
351 | void 0 !== config.key && (key = "" + config.key),
352 | config))
353 | !hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) ||
354 | "key" === propName ||
355 | "__self" === propName ||
356 | "__source" === propName ||
357 | ("ref" === propName && void 0 === config.ref) ||
358 | (props[propName] = config[propName]);
359 | var propName = arguments.length - 2;
360 | if (1 === propName) props.children = children;
361 | else if (1 < propName) {
362 | for (var childArray = Array(propName), i = 0; i < propName; i++)
363 | childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];
364 | props.children = childArray;
365 | }
366 | return ReactElement(element.type, key, void 0, void 0, owner, props);
367 | };
368 | exports.createElement = function (type, config, children) {
369 | var propName,
370 | props = {},
371 | key = null;
372 | if (null != config)
373 | for (propName in (void 0 !== config.key && (key = "" + config.key), config))
374 | hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) &&
375 | "key" !== propName &&
376 | "__self" !== propName &&
377 | "__source" !== propName &&
378 | (props[propName] = config[propName]);
379 | var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2;
380 | if (1 === childrenLength) props.children = children;
381 | else if (1 < childrenLength) {
382 | for (var childArray = Array(childrenLength), i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++)
383 | childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];
384 | props.children = childArray;
385 | }
386 | if (type && type.defaultProps)
387 | for (propName in ((childrenLength = type.defaultProps), childrenLength))
388 | void 0 === props[propName] &&
389 | (props[propName] = childrenLength[propName]);
390 | return ReactElement(type, key, void 0, void 0, null, props);
391 | };
392 | exports.createRef = function () {
393 | return { current: null };
394 | };
395 | exports.forwardRef = function (render) {
396 | return { $$typeof: REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE, render: render };
397 | };
398 | exports.isValidElement = isValidElement;
399 | exports.lazy = function (ctor) {
400 | return {
401 | $$typeof: REACT_LAZY_TYPE,
402 | _payload: { _status: -1, _result: ctor },
403 | _init: lazyInitializer
404 | };
405 | };
406 | exports.memo = function (type, compare) {
407 | return {
408 | $$typeof: REACT_MEMO_TYPE,
409 | type: type,
410 | compare: void 0 === compare ? null : compare
411 | };
412 | };
413 | exports.use = function (usable) {
414 | return ReactSharedInternals.H.use(usable);
415 | };
416 | exports.useCallback = function (callback, deps) {
417 | return ReactSharedInternals.H.useCallback(callback, deps);
418 | };
419 | exports.useDebugValue = function () {};
420 | exports.useId = function () {
421 | return ReactSharedInternals.H.useId();
422 | };
423 | exports.useMemo = function (create, deps) {
424 | return ReactSharedInternals.H.useMemo(create, deps);
425 | };
426 | exports.version = "19.0.0";